Aristo pest control
Wide audience have contacted Aristo Pest Control to handle pest situation after recognizing their online presence we helped to build.
Aristo Pest Control (APC) is a team of highly knowledgeable and professional pest control exterminators and technicians with years of experience in integrated pest management.
What Client Required:
- Build online presence with wordpress website development.
- Add all the information about pests in pest library module.
- Blog development with categories for blog posts.
- Functionality to get inquiries and quotes online.
Our Task
Used Technology
What We delivered:
- Graphic design of all the pages of website.
- Effortless Navigation menu to search content on website.
- Comprehensive Pest Library with Content and Images.
- Free online quote and Inquiry form with data field validations.
- Added sitemap to make site pages in search engine crawlers updated.
- Included Google webmaster tools and analytics to monitor site performace.
- Extensive social media campaigns in Google+, Twitter and Facebook.