TEFL Source
We developed online store for TEFL source for students to enroll in certification courses with Codeigniter framework.
TEFL Source works in partnership with top course providers as an authorized reseller to provide an easier way to review, compare and enroll with top international TEFL, TESOL, TESL and CELTA certification programs.

What Client Required:
- Design related changes for home page and course list page.
- Custom admin for course registration, list and other details.
- Fixes for course search functionality.
- New Blog page layout.
Our Task
Used Technology
What We delivered:
- HTML and CSS related changes for home page and detail page.
- Developed Course finder on home page.
- Updated Course list page.
- Designed and programmed custom admin for course management.
- Made changes to sign in, check out process.
- Responsive and content rich blog with social share icons.