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Step-by-Step Guide: Create Featured products in Magento 2

Step-by-Step Guide: Create Featured products in Magento 2

Step-by-Step Guide: Create Featured products in Magento 2

With Magento 2, you can effortlessly enter the dynamic realm of e-commerce, where your standout products are given careful attention and aren't only situated at the front. Consider your online business a thriving marketplace, with your highlighted products as enticing merchants bringing in customers. We'll uncover Magento 2's featured products in this digital marketplace, showing you how they can turn your store into an exciting spectacle that draws customers in and keeps them returning for more.

What is the featured product in Magento 2?

Featured products are the carefully chosen products that perfectly represent your brand; they are more than just listings in your inventory. These products go above and beyond the typical, catching attention and taking center stage in the online store. Configurable products, grouped products, and bundle products fall under this category. Feature product demonstrations are famous for highlighting products and providing marketing opportunities, such as sponsored advertisements, highlight items, digital strategies, and more. It intentionally attempts to direct clients' attention by delivering a well-chosen assortment that fits your company's story.

The benefit of featured products in online business

  1. Increased Visibility

The best items in your product catalog are highlighted, acting as beacons to direct customers there. Having highlighted products available suggests taking a quicker route and saving the customer valuable time. Instead of spending endless hours searching for a reliable product, you may perform spectacularly in front of them using expert blocks—a professional suggestion to increase the click-through rate of several things simultaneously. Improved exposure ensures that your finest products and services are seen among many online possibilities.

  1. Customer Engagement

You encourage clients to interact with a well-chosen selection by showing a limited number of products instead of providing them with excessive options. Prominently displayed items have the visual impact to incite impulse buying. A chain of recommended products featuring more can indefinitely guide users from one featured item to another. In marketing art, remain steady.

  1. Boost Conversion

More extended visits to your website due to engagement raises the possibility of conversions. Highlighted products grab attention and entice buyers to buy them, especially when combined with compelling copy and eye-catching imagery. It is possible to boost the likelihood of cross-selling and upselling by carefully selecting featured products that go well together.

  1. Improved SEO performance

Featured products that are linked to pertinent keywords enhance search engine optimization. Rich snippets, which offer more details and boost click-through rates, could be shown by search engines for highlighted products. Increasing click-through rates will undoubtedly boost your store's rating in search engine results, which is an additional benefit of the SEO process.

Create a featured product in Magento 2

  1. Get into the admin panel. Select Content > Pages.
  2. Open the edit mode on the page where you wish to highlight the products.
  3. Activate the status page.
  4. Establish the Page Title
  5. After expanding the "Page in Websites" option, choose the Store View.
  6. To add the widget for this page, expand the Content tab and select the "Insert Widget" button. Choose the type of widget.
  7. Set up the widget options listed below.
  • Display type, page control
  • Number of products to display
  • templates
  1. Click the Insert Widget button in the Content tab now and Preserve the settings.

Visitors to your store's home page can now see the list of featured products.


Selecting products at random is one of many aspects of featuring things. It's a precise performance that involves knowing your market, being true to your brand, and adjusting for shifting consumer preferences. The world of e-commerce is ever-changing, and your strategy for highlighted products should reflect this. Analyze data often, pay attention to what customers say and quickly change your action plan. Maintaining a balance between visual appeal and substance, as well as variety and relevancy, can help your highlighted products keep drawing in customers without detracting from their intended strategic use. It's important to remember that your online business offers your customers more than just a selection of goods as you navigate the digital marketplace. So, leverage the power of Magento 2's featured products whether you're a seasoned online entrepreneur or just getting started.

CONTACT US; We are always prepared to provide prompt assistance and support.

November 21, 2023
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