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Speeding Up Magento 2 Checkout: Causes and Quick Fixes

Speeding Up Magento 2 Checkout: Causes and Quick Fixes

Speeding Up Magento 2 Checkout: Causes and Quick Fixes

You know the significance of a quick and easy checkout process if you run a website using Magento 2. The modern consumer has little patience for delays and hassles throughout checkout in today's fast-paced, time-constrained society. Customer and business frustration can result from a lengthy checkout process that causes cart abandonment and missed sales. A slow, complicated, or lengthy checkout process can quickly transform a potential customer into an unhappy visitor prepared to look elsewhere. We will look at the various methods and tactics that may be used to overcome these barriers to design a checkout experience that not only meets but also surpasses the demands of today's savvy online buyers.

Why Checkout Speed Matters

  1. Customer Experience

For clients, a lengthy checkout procedure can be very frustrating. Customers expect websites to load quickly and transactions to be rapid in today's digital world. Building brand loyalty and promoting repeat business depends on providing an excellent customer experience. Impatience and dissatisfaction might result from a slow checkout process. Customers who are satisfied with your business are more likely to submit positive reviews, refer others to your store, and buy from you frequently.

  1. Reduce Cart Abandonment

Cart abandonment is one of the biggest problems for businesses operating online. Many customers place products in their shopping carts but quit before checking out. According to studies, a drawn-out or complicated checkout procedure is a typical cause of cart abandonment. The checkout process can be sped up to boost sales and lower abandonment rates.

  1. Conversion Rate

A quicker checkout procedure may directly impact your conversion rates. Customers are more likely to follow through and complete a deal if they can swiftly and simply do so. Quick checkouts improve user experience and remove roadblocks that prevent customers from completing their orders.

  1. Search Engine Ranking

Website speed is considered when ranking pages on Google and other search engines. Websites that take a long time to load, particularly checkout pages, could rank lower in search results. This may impact the visibility and organic traffic to your website. A quick checkout might enhance your SEO efforts.

Why is Magento 2 checkout running so slowly?

  • During checkout, complicated JavaScript and CSS are loaded. Unmerged or separated JavaScript and CSS files increase the delay.
  • The existence of numerous extensions from third parties.
  • Excessive database load and poor database queries.
  • Insufficient server resources or hosting setup.
  • Multi-step and lengthy checkout process.
  • Poorly optimized customization and heavy themes.
  • Images and media files are not formatted correctly for compression or optimized for the web.
  • Absence of a content delivery network (CDN).

Advanced Methods To Speed Up The Magento 2 Checkout Process

Here are some cutting-edge techniques for improving and speeding the Magento 2 checkout process:

  1. Server Optimization

High-performance server: Use a high-performance web server like Nginx or Apache. These servers are renowned for being effective at managing several requests at once. Set up the web server settings for optimal performance, including request buffering, worker processes, and keep-alive connections.

Content delivery network(CDN): CDNs spread assets over numerous servers worldwide. Use a CDN to serve static assets (images, CSS, and JavaScript) from servers closer to your clients' locations. This lowers the burden on the server and speeds up page loading.

  1. PHP and MySQL Optimization

Update PHP and MySQL: Always use the most recent versions of PHP and MySQL to take advantage of performance and security updates.

A PHP accelerator aids in enhancing PHP applications' performance. PHP files regenerate the accelerator cache operation code, which helps to lower the serving demand.

PHP Opcode Caching: Installing extensions like OPCache or APCu will enable PHP Opcode caching. This shortens the time needed to execute scripts written in PHP by storing precompiled script bytecode in memory.

Database Optimization: Use tools like MySQLTuner or Percona Toolkit regularly to optimize your database. Ensure that indexes are configured correctly, and avoid using complex queries whenever feasible. Consider employing a different database server or cache technologies to relieve the database load.

  1. JavaScript and CSS Optimization

Minification and Bundling: JavaScript and CSS files should be minified and bundled to reduce HTTP requests and speed up page loading.

By "minifying," we mean to make JavaScript size smaller. You can eliminate the extraneous characters and spacing here without affecting any functionality.

Bundling is the process of merging several JavaScript files into one. This contributes to fewer HTTP queries and speeds up page loading.

Steps to enable Minification and Bundling in Magento 2:

  1. Go to the Magento admin panel and log in.
  2. Select store and then configuration.
  3. Click Developer under the Advanced field.
  4. Choose yes for Minification and Bundling in JavaScript and save the configuration.

  1. Lazy Loading and Asynchronous Loading

Image lazy loading: For images and other media, use lazy loading. As a result, initial page load times are decreased because images only load when visible in the user's viewport.

Asynchronous Loading: For non-essential scripts, use asynchronous loading to avoid interfering with page rendering. Scripts can load in the background, and the website can load more quickly.

You can use some third-party extensions for lazy loading.

  1. Full Page Caching

An entire page, including the checkout page, is cached using a full-page caching approach. Therefore, the rendered HTML is saved in a cache and served directly to a specific user rather than producing an HTML for each request.

Steps to enable full page caching in Magento 2:

  1. Go to your Magento Admin Panel and login.
  2. Select Configuration under Stores.
  3. Click System under the Advanced section.
  4. In full page cache section, Set a suitable caching backend, such as Varnish or Redis, for the Caching Application option.

Session and Cache Storage: Session and cache storage should be done using Redis or Memcached. These in-memory data stores can increase data retrieval speed and decrease database load.

To store frequently accessed data, use server-side caching techniques—Utilise browser caching by configuring the correct HTTP headers.

  1. Minimize Extension

Reduce the number of installed extensions and select those with good code and little weight. Extensions that are superfluous or have no direct impact on the checkout process should be turned off or removed.

  1. Code Profiling and Optimization

Use profiling tools like New Relic, Blackfire, or Magento's built-in profiler to find performance bottlenecks in your code. Review and optimize custom scripts, templates, and code with care to boost performance.

  1. Optimize Images

Images can be compressed and resized to become smaller without losing quality. The size of the entire page can be drastically reduced in this way. Reduce load times on mobile devices even more by using responsive images served in various sizes depending on the user's device.


You can drastically speed up your Magento 2 checkout process by addressing these common problems and implementing simple adjustments. This will improve your clients' overall buying experiences and increase the success of your eCommerce business. Occasionally, review these steps to ensure your checkout is still quick and easy. Remember that improving the performance of websites is a never-ending process. You can improve customer satisfaction, lower cart abandonment, and ultimately increase conversion rates and income for your eCommerce company by prioritizing a quick and easy checkout process.

CONTACT US; We are always prepared to provide prompt assistance and support.

September 20, 2023
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