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How to change the logo in Magento 2: A step-by-step guide

How to change the logo in Magento 2: A step-by-step guide

How to change the logo in Magento 2: A step-by-step guide

A website's aesthetic attractiveness plays a key role in attracting and retaining visitors. A new logo can give your Magento 2 business a modern, updated design. Your logo is an essential part of your company identity. This post will show you how to modify the logo in Magento 2, whether you're rebranding or want to change things up. The logo is a defining visual component that sets your company and website apart from others. The logo makes it simple for visitors to recognize your website when they see an advertisement and recall having previously purchased from you.

Why Change your logo?

  1. Rebranding

A rebranding initiative is one of the primary reasons for changing a logo. Businesses change over time, and their objectives, target markets, or products/services may vary. It's crucial that your visual identity, including your logo, adapts to these adjustments as they occur. A new logo can let clients and other stakeholders know that your company is changing directions, embracing new concepts, or providing new goods and services.

  1. Outdated Design

What seemed current and stylish a few years ago may need to be updated in the fast-paced design and branding world. An out-of-date logo can suggest that your company isn't evolving with the times.

  1. Global Expansion

If your company is growing internationally, it is crucial to consider cultural and linguistic variances while designing your logo. In some places, a logo that performs effectively may unintentionally convey negative connotations in another. It is possible to avoid misconceptions and cultural sensitivities by adapting or modifying the logo.

  1. Highlight Special Events

To commemorate holidays, promotions, or special events, you should alter your logo temporarily.

A step-by-step guide to changing your logo in Magento 2

Step 1: Uploading your logo

The website's theme dictates the logo's size and placement in the header. You can upload your logo from the store admin by saving it as a GIF, PNG, JPG, or SVG file format. The default Magento logo is an SVG file, a scalable XML-based vector graphic format.

The server's location for the logo image is as below.

Path: app/design/frontend/[vendor]/[theme]/web/images/logo.svg

Your logo also displays on email templates, PDF invoices, and other sales materials in addition to the header. You can also use logos in visiting cards, social media, packaging, and banners. There are different size requirements for the logos used on invoices and email templates; thus, they must be provided individually.

Step 2: Upload the frontend logo in Magento 2

Magento 2.0

  • Sign in to your Magento 2 admin panel first using your credentials.
  • In the admin panel, navigate to "Stores" in the main menu.
  • Select "Configuration" from the "Settings" menu.
  • Click "Design" under the "General" section.
  • The "Header" tab can be found there. You may upload your brand-new logo image here.

Magento 2.1 and above

  • Select Content > Configuration.
  • Choose a theme to view the header section.

Magento 2.2 and above

  • Access Design Configuration > Content.
  • Select Edit in the Action column after locating the store view you want to customize.
  • Enlarge the Header section and Click Choose File to add a new logo to your website.
  • The logo image's width and height, in pixels, must be added here.
  • Enter the phrase you wish to appear when a person hovers over the image in the Logo Image Alt area.
  • Write a unique welcome message for your landing page's website.

Step 3: Check and Save the result

Click Save Configuration when finished.

Make sure you save your configurations by checking again.

Refresh and flush the cache.

Make sure your new logo is accessible and appealing across a range of platforms, including desktop and mobile.

Consider how your audience will interpret the new logo. Will your intended audience find it appealing? To keep a consistent brand image, don't forget to update additional branding components like email signatures and social media profiles.


The choice of changing your logo is more than just a simple visual alteration; it's a dynamic transformation that says a lot about the growth and adaptability of your company. The simple procedure of changing your online store's logo in Magento 2 can give it fresh vitality. These procedures can help you make the shift smoothly, whether you're rebranding or want a new design. So, embrace the power of change in your logo, grasp the chance to reframe the story of your business, and watch as it appeals to loyal customers and others who have not yet experienced the enchantment of your goods or services.


  1. Does Magento 2 require coding knowledge to change the logo?

No, altering the logo is a simple operation that does not require programming knowledge.

  1. If I don't like the new logo, can I switch back to the previous one?

Yes, you may always go back to your previous logo. Submit your existing logo image by following the exact directions as before.

  1. How often should I update the logo for my company website?

There is no predetermined period of time, but think about changing it when rebranding, during significant occasions, or if it no longer accurately conveys your brand.

  1. Does updating my logo impact SEO rankings?

As long as you update the alt text and keep your branding consistent everywhere, it shouldn't substantially influence your SEO rankings.

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September 22, 2023
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